Exhibition: Schielandshuis Museum, Rotterdam. Steigerwerk (Wharf Works) is a vital component of the publication "The Wharf", the pre-world of Rotterdam. In Wharf Works the riddle of The Wharf is revealed and get a glimpse of the warf's shadow.
This exhibition comprises 25 works, of which 18 have been incorporated in the book 'The Wharf'.

The Book Surfaced "This water has been considerably disturbed."
Rotterdam - Operation Nachtazer, the expedition into the hidden depths of Rotterdam Wharf, gained success at the eleventh hour. After many fruitless weeks the virtual Scuba divers finally succeeded in bringing this book to the surface. It seems as though The Wharf has finally revealed its secrets to us.
De long-standing and persistent rumors which insinuated that there was 'more than meets the eye' can now be finally explained. "If you ask me, this water has been considerably disturbed", is the comment from a rather dishevelled Cor Delfgaauw, the leader of this expidition.

In the center of Rotterdam you will find the warf. Postwar reconstruction transformed these once busy shipping lanes into little more than a dead lake; and the city as if in agreement also turned it's back.
This book attempts to return the wharf to Rotterdam.
The wharf expands the city and can serve as a guide in order to discover these forgotten areas once again. The images call forth the voracious shadow on the water that made it so famous. For the warf contained the prewar Rotterdam - a type of pre-world, which levelled all dilligence. Under its grimy surface life continued, but was upside down. It was digested and celebrated. Did the bombardment bring an end to this demons' hollow?
For the answer one simply needs to consult the book.